Prevent an increasing public health problem
Old and new diseases threaten nations worldwide. MDRO (Multi Drug Resistant Organisms) are a growing public health problem. Preventive measures to stop the infection or stop cross transmission are more and more important.
To ensure patient safety and safety for the health care workers, B. Braun provides tailor made safety concepts, training and a wide product range of personal protective equipment and disinfectants.
Stop the spread of potentially harmful germs: Hand hygiene and disinfection
Hand hygiene is one of the most important ways to prevent the spread of potentially harmful germs which could lead to an infection, including the common cold, flu, and even severe infections caused by multi drug resistant organisms and you can make a difference:
Why? You can take action by practicing hand hygiene regularly and by asking those around you to practice it as well.
When? You and your loved ones should clean your hands regularly. Especially:
- before and after visiting patients in a hospital
- after using the restroom
- before preparing food or eating
- after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing
Your healthcare provider should practice hand hygiene at least when entering your room. Ideally they follow the recommendation of the World Health Organisation (WHO) "My 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene".
How? It only takes 40-60 seconds of using soap and water, or 30 seconds of using an alcohol based hand, rub to kill the germs that cause infections. In regions where there is a shortage of water alcohol based handrub is proposed. Wash your hands with soap and water when you hands are visibly soiled.
Who? You, your loved ones, and your healthcare providers should practice hand hygiene.