Sharing Expertise against #coronavirus

#wearebusy because our customers are

The coronavirus pandemic is requiring everybody involved in the health care system and beyond to share expertise and work together. That is what we do. Let us all be busy in what we are good at, fighting the virus and flattening the curve.

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Yes, #wearebusy – because our customers are: improving and protecting the health of people around the world. The #coronavirus pandemic requires us to take the right measures in order to continuously supply live-saving equipment whereas our customers are fighting for health on the front lines. Let us all be busy: #flatteningthecurve. 


Yes, #wearebusy – because our customers are: Production of medical devices has major priority especially now during the #coronavirus pandemic. We are working around the clock to secure continuous supply of our solutions. Thank you to all colleagues for their support as well as our partners and suppliers. We need everybody in order to protect and improve the health of people around the world. 

Producing Infusion Therapy Solutions around the clock

Thore Heinemann is one of our Product Managers in the Headquarter. He could be working in home office on his marketing plans right now. Instead he changed his office desk for the assembly line late shift for our Infusomat® and Perfusor® compact plus Pumps production. "I come home at midnight after my shift and my kids wake me up early the other morning and then my wife goes to work. I am proud to contribute something valuable during this COVID-19 pandemic period." Thore mentions. His and many other colleagues’ support is so important to cover the increased demand due to the #coronavirus pandemic. Thanks to all our colleagues all over the world for your support.

Increasing Infection Prevention output

For our staff in the Center of Excellence Infection Control in Sempach, Switzerland, this means that  - while others are staying home -  they have to keep producing important health care products like disinfectants for hands, surfaces and instruments. We shout out to our teams all over the world and thank them for their contributions. Stay home so they can stay producing. Busy #flatteningthecurve. Stay healthy. 


In so many parts of the world health care workers are doing everything to keep helping patients. Prof. Luca Lorini is the director of the ICU in Bergamo, Italy and shares his unique experiences during the #coronavirus pandemic. We admire his and many other health care workers' dedication and we love his positivity: "But fortunately there are the positive moments to focus on: Patients that recover from the virus". Thank you Prof. Lorini and care workers around the globe for their great support!

See the positive: patients recovering

“When going home one night lately I was thinking about the negative but also the positive moments of the pandemic. Negative of course what we see daily: infected people dying, trucks that transport the coffins of the deceased as well as the way people have to die, without presence of their loved ones. But fortunately there are the positive moments to focus on: Patients that recover from coronavirus”
Prof. Luca Lorini


During the #coronavirus pandemic the supply of our customers and production sites to more than 150 countries is the major concern and challenge for our supply chain team around the world. We do our best to keep the supply running and thank our employees, logistics partners, authorities and customers for the great collaboration. Let's all be busy: #flatteningthecurve


Next story

Health care workers as well as our employees are giving their best to help people around the world survive the pandemic. We will share some short stories of customers on how they cope with the situation and what is going on in their environment currently. Also what is happening within B. Braun and what our employees make possible during this requiring period. We share those insights on a regular basis, but in a short and simple manner as #wearebusy because our customers are. We feel it is important to share the efforts, the ideas and the power people bring up in this special situation. And we would like to show our appreciation to our customers, partners and employees. 

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