When confronted with the diagnosis of chronic kidney disease and the need for dialysis, you are faced with numerous questions and life-changing challenges. Modern medicine and the wide range of options for advice and support will enable you to become more secure in your everyday life.
Diagnosis: chronic kidney disease
Suddenly everything is different
Hearing the phrase "you have renal failure" can be a confusing and frightening moment. These feelings are not unusual, and it is normal that a lot of questions arise. This page offers answers.
When you need dialysis, the biggest change in your life is the amount of time you need to arrange for dialysis sessions and regular doctor visits. Thanks to modern medicine and dialysis methods, it can now be easier for you to maintain more personal freedom in your everyday life.
Find a dialysis center
With our passion for patient care we offer dialysis treatment in care centers around the world.
What does quality of life mean to you? There are many aspects to consider. Look at the different areas of your life and evaluate what is important to you.
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