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Sutures & Surgical Specialties
Clotting, sealing and closing marks the end of every surgery and plays a decisive role for the patient’s quality of life. B. Braun provides innovative wound closure technologies as well as offering training and service.
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Confirm Yes, I am a health care professional. Cancel No, I am not a health care professional.Monomax® is the first and unique extra long-term absorbable monofilament synthetic suture material. It loses its relative tensile strength slower than polydioxanone sutures (slower tensile strength degradation profile compared to polydioxanone sutures – in vivo data). [1]
Histoacryl® LapFix is an atraumatic fixation method reported to be better tolerated by the patient than traditional fixation methods. It reduces the risk of post-operative chronic pain compared to traditional fixation methods. [11-12]
Learn moreNot everybody can work as a surgeon. A significant problem-solving capacity, resistance, in addition to great commitment, are required. This profession demands sacrifices from all its professionals, and special mention should be made to woman surgeons, as it has always been even more challenging for them.