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Pediatrics & Neonatology
Caring for Pediatrics and Neonatology Patients
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Confirm Yes, I am a health care professional. Cancel No, I am not a health care professional.The little ones in your care certainly belong to one of the most challenging patient groups. High risk of errors caused by small and delicate anatomical features, minimum tolerance ranges for and often insufficient scientific evidence regarding drugs, highly sensitive family members, and less patient compliance are only few of the challenges you face every day.
B. Braun is your qualified, experienced and empathetic partner when it comes to pediatric and neonatal patients. We support you with our expertise and reliable solutions that meet the needs of children. Innovative error-preventing technology with the utmost precision. Medical devices that help to improve processes in terms of efficiency and quality of care, featuring safety by system.
Partnering with us helps you to unlock decisive potential in protecting your young pediatric patients in the most advanced and effective manner.
Only 0.5–1 mL of air in the pulmonary vein can cause a cardiac arrest.1 In children, even the smallest amount of air can cause an air embolism with serious consequences.2 Open IV systems and parallel infusion may increase this risk. Inline IV filters help avoid serious consequences for both the staff and your pediatric patients.
More than 200,000 medication errors are reported annually in the U.S. alone, with approximately 30% occuring in children.3 One of the most common medication errors in pediatrics are dosage errors. Safe prescription, preparation and administration are crucial to minimize risks for pediatric patients and neonates.
The latest studies have shown that, in about 85% of children, at least one potential incompatibility was detected.4 Because of the different responses to drugs compared to adults, it is important to know about the possible risks. Learn how you can prevent your pediatric and neonatal patients from potential drug incompatibility.
Pediatricians often have to deal with off-label use, as there is still a large number of drugs without information on use in pediatrics.5, 6 You may have concerns about legal requirements, but off-label use is a common therapeutic pratice to decide on the right treatment with the best available evidence for your pediatric or neonatal patients. And the good news is the portfolio of products with pediatric approval is growing steadily. B. Braun already offers more than 200 products with compliance in this field.
Did you know that particles in infusion solutions have effects on the immune systems of pediatric and neonatal patients?7 Inform yourself about contamination sources, the consequences of particulate contamination and how filtration may increase the safety of pediatric patients.
1. Ho AM. Is Emergency Thoracotomy Always The Most Appropriate Immediate Intervention for Systemic Air Embolism After Lung Trauma? Chest. 1999;116(1):234-7.
2. Riemann T. How many „milliliters“ of air will lead to air embolism? Die Schwester Der Pfleger 2004;8:594-5.
3. Wu A. Minimizing Medication Errors In Pediatric Patients. US Pharm. 2018;44(4):20-23. (6.1.20).
4. Leal K, Ramon L, Rand M, Mafra Verissimo L. Potential intravenous drug incompatibilities in a pediatric unit. Einstein (São Paulo) 2016;14(2):185-9.
5. Mir AN, Geer MI. Off-label use of medicines in children. IJPSR. 2016;7(5):1820-8.
6. Allen HC, Garbe MC, Lees J, Aziz N, Chaaban H, Miller JL, et al. Off-Label Medication use in Children, More Common than We Think: A Systematic Review of the Literature. J Okla State Med Assoc. 2018;111(8):776-83.
7. Boehne M, Jack T, Köditz H, Seidemann K, Schmidt F, Abura M, Bertram H, Sasse M. In-line filtration minimizes organ dysfunction: new aspects from a prospective, randomized, controlled trial. BMC Pediatr. 2013;13:21.