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Pediatrics & Neonatology

At eye-level with tiny giants

Caring for Pediatrics and Neonatology Patients

Pediatrician and patient girl high-five in the hallway

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Pediatrics nurse in front of an incubator on neonatology ward

Pediatrics & Neonatology: Risks

Risk Prevention in PED

Risk Prevention is even more important in pediatrics, as significant risks such as air embolism or drug incompatibility may be life threatening to small patients. 

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1. Ho AM.  Is Emergency Thoracotomy Always The Most Appropriate Immediate Intervention for Systemic Air Embolism After Lung Trauma? Chest. 1999;116(1):234-7.

2. Riemann T. How many „milliliters“ of air will lead to air embolism? Die Schwester Der Pfleger 2004;8:594-5.

3. Wu A. Minimizing Medication Errors In Pediatric Patients. US Pharm. 2018;44(4):20-23. (6.1.20).

4. Leal K, Ramon L, Rand M, Mafra Verissimo L. Potential intravenous drug incompatibilities in a pediatric unit. Einstein (São Paulo) 2016;14(2):185-9.

5. Mir AN, Geer MI. Off-label use of medicines in children. IJPSR. 2016;7(5):1820-8.

6. Allen HC, Garbe MC, Lees J, Aziz N, Chaaban H, Miller JL, et al. Off-Label Medication use in Children, More Common than We Think: A Systematic Review of the Literature. J Okla State Med Assoc. 2018;111(8):776-83.

7. Boehne M, Jack T, Köditz H, Seidemann K, Schmidt F, Abura M, Bertram H, Sasse M. In-line filtration minimizes organ dysfunction: new aspects from a prospective, randomized, controlled trial. BMC Pediatr. 2013;13:21.