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Every tiny detail in ​ neurosurgery must fit 100%

In neurosurgery, millimeters and seconds can change everything. 
That is why it is of utmost importance to enable neurosurgeons to perform their precise work under ideal conditions. B. Braun assists them with an all-in-one approach for operating on the brain, spine, spinal cord and peripheral nerves: with products, procedures, services and training.

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With neurosurgeons side by side​

High precision for the entire procedure​ 

B. Braun eases the work of the neurosurgeon, puts the patient in the center of attention and streamlines hospital processes and cost management. With products and services that set benchmarks in modern neurosurgery.

MIETHKE® adjustable gravitational valves with® XABO®
SQ.line® KERRISON Bone Punches
Lyoplant® Onlay biological, absorbable dura substitute
AESCULAP® YASARGIL® aneurysm clip with clip applier

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  1. Clinical trial. Neulen, A et al. Evaluation of efficacy and biocompatibility of a novel semisynthetic collagen matrix as a dural onlay graft in a large animal model. Acta Neurochirurgica. 2011 July 9; 153(11):2241-2250.
  2. Clinical trial. Greifzu F. Clinical Study report LYON study – Assessment of the performance of Lyoplant® Onlay for Duraplasty. 2019.
  3. Clinical trial. Report of a prospective, multi-center, randomized, parallel controlled clinical trial evaluating the effectiveness and safety of the absorbable onlay dura substitute Lyoplant® Onlay in dural repair. 2020.
  4. Expert Report. Bode F. Expert report – Lyoplant® Onlay. 2016.
  5. Expert Report. Nestler U. Expert report – Lyoplant® Onlay. 2015.
  6. Aesculap AG. Rasche A. Results of a Lyoplant® Onlay Evaluation Form. 2015.
  7. Aesculap AG. Test report determination of thickness, test number 2011-RB-62.
  8. Aesculap AG. Test report – Lyoplant® Onlay 180° Folding Test. 2011.
  9. Aesculap AG. Technical data Lyoplant® Onlay. 2011.