Targeted nutrition therapy can play a decisive part in a patient’s recovery. B. Braun develops solutions that meet the needs of patients and the people who care for them in the ICU, on the ward and at home. With our products and services, we are your partner in oral, enteral and parenteral nutrition.
Medical Professional
This information is meant for medical professionals only. Please confirm that you are a medical professional before accessing this information.
Nutrition therapy should not only meet the needs of the patient, but it should also be easy-to-handle for health care professionals. Our solutions aim to reduce the workload for nurses, support compounding pharmacists and help doctors to achieve therapeutic success.
Nutrition in oncology
Feeding life
Cancer patients often suffer from cachexia and malnutrition. For this reason nutrition therapy is an important support throughout the whole pathway of cancer treatment.
What are the challenges of parenteral nutrition? Researching compatibility? Preparing three-chamber bags? Best possible formulation? We have listened to health care professionals and provide solutions to check up, speed up, feed up.
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