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Infusion Therapy

Infusion therapy with B. Braun for improved efficiency

Infusion therapy plays an important role in patient care. B. Braun offers a holistic infusion therapy concept which combines high-quality products with intelligent technologies and services. Our goal is to make even the most complex therapies simpler, smarter and safer.

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Introcan Safety® 3 needles
  • > 0k

    deaths per year are due to medication error in the US1

  • Up to


    of antibiotic infusions are underdosed2

Pharmacist draws up syringe under lamina airflow
Pediatrician talking to a child holding a dinosaur

Other topics related to Infusion Therapy

Our service

Sharing expertise with health care professionals

Patient lies in an intensive care unit - there are a lots of  B. Braun infusion pumps in the background

Digital smart infusion therapy

The Space®plus and OnlineSuiteplus solutions help to make hospitals smarter, more patient-oriented and easier to work in.

Digitalization hospitals


1. Makary, M. A., Daniel M. Medical error–the third leading cause of death in the U.S. BMJ 2016; 353.

2. Last access 22.2.22.